Overcoming Resistance with Champion Weightlifter, Kim Rahir

Overcoming Resistance with Champion Weightlifter, Kim Rahir

Kim Rahir has a pretty incredible story – after an exciting career as an international journalist, she faced not one, but two devastating and frightening health scares. She fought back through resistance – literal resistance – and became a champion weightlifter.

Kim now helps other midlife women to get stronger, both physically and mentally.

You can access a free assessment tool about your health and strength at https://kimrahir.com 

And you can find Kim on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram:




If you want to get in touch directly, you can email Kim at



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#womenover35 #wearebadass

On The Second Chapter, serial careerist and founder of Slackline Productions, Kristin Duffy, chats with women who started the second (or third… or fifth!) chapter in their careers and lives, after 35. You’ll find inspiring stories, have a few laughs, and maybe even be motivated to turn the page on your own second chapter!

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