Living the Nightmare! Special Effects Makeup Artist, Tracey Jane

Living the Nightmare! Special Effects Makeup Artist, Tracey Jane

This week Kristin is speaking with Tracey Jane. Amongst other things, a pregnancy at 18 meant that Tracey took some time to find her career passion. When her son was just three, she opened her own successful business, but a brush with death made her realise it was time to follow a dream for herself.

Tracey is now a make-up and special effect working in film, with a current focus on the horror genre. Living the dream! Or is it the nightmare?

For some of Tracey’s beautifully gory work… (if you can take it!) you can find her on:

Facebook at

YouTube at

Twitter at (@studio7337)

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On The Second Chapter, serial careerist and founder of Slackline Productions, Kristin Duffy, chats with women who started the second (or third… or fifth!) chapter in their careers and lives, after 35. You’ll find inspiring stories, have a few laughs, and maybe even be motivated to turn the page on your own second chapter!

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