From a journalism background to writer-director-performer after 35, this week’s The Second Chapter features Sabrina Richmond.
As a performer, Sabrina explores, amongst other things, identity, home, and female sexual pleasure. This week’s episode is about more than just a career change- Kristin talks with Sabrina about the discomfort around talking about racism, where we find home, and learning more about your body and how it experiences pleasure after 35. They talk about Sabrina’s “obsession” with the questions about desire and ultimately, Sabrina talks to Kristin about how racism and an economic downturn silenced her voice- and how she found it again.
For more about Sabrina and her Right to Pleasure project, follow her on Twitter @Lifeof_Bree. Email with interest to:
More about the Right to Pleasure project from Sabrina:
Clitoral stimulation remains a taboo topic of conversation in majority of society. I am writing about my right to pleasure as a woman in a world where my desire has been taken out of my own hands and marketed back to me through products. How can my desire be outside of me? I would also love to discuss with men how the expectations on men to perform and ‘provide’ pleasure impacts the understanding and pursuit of the journey of desire and how bodies function.
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– Twitter: @slacklineprodu2, Instagram: @the_second_chapter_podcast,
– On Facebook as Slackline Productions #womenover35 #wearebadass
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