Finding Her Way In the Welsh Wind (with Gin!), Ellen Wakelam

Finding Her Way In the Welsh Wind (with Gin!), Ellen Wakelam

Let the episode be gin!

This week, I’m speaking with Ellen Wakelam. Ellen was a teacher, but after becoming disillusioned with the role — and reeeeeally long walk — she and her partner started In the Welsh Wind, a distillery firmly based in her native Wales. I love this episode, almost as much as I love In the Welsh Wind’s (seriously)tasty gin. Ellen was so great to chat with – tune in and you’ll even learn a few things about distilling and Wales!

For more on In the Welsh Wind (including some gorgeous pics):

On social media @inthewelshwind across the channels:





Ellen Wakelam has her own LinkedIn profile too:


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On The Second Chapter, serial careerist and founder of Slackline Productions, Kristin Duffy, chats with women who started the second (or third… or fifth!) chapter in their careers and lives, after 35. You’ll find inspiring stories, have a few laughs, and maybe even be motivated to turn the page on your own second chapter!

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