Hello Gorgeous! Helping Cancer Patients Feel Beautiful, Kim Becker

Hello Gorgeous! Helping Cancer Patients Feel Beautiful, Kim Becker

Kim Becker dreamed of a career in law, ended up with a career in beauty and now, through her non-profit organisation, Hello Gorgeous, helps women with cancer smile when they look in the mirror.

Kim has had her own share of trials and tribulations- from a feeling of emptiness that led her to the epiphany that is Hello Gorgeous, a husband with a long-term illness that left her widowed at 50, and her own experience with cancer, Kim chooses to ask, ‘what can I learn from this?’ instead of ‘why me?’ and spends her life helping and inspiring others.



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On The Second Chapter, serial careerist and founder of Slackline Productions, Kristin Duffy, chats with women who started the second (or third… or fifth!) chapter in their careers and lives, after 35. You’ll find inspiring stories, have a few laughs, and maybe even be motivated to turn the page on your own second chapter!

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